



Jonathan Teller's penchant for facing formidable challenges head-on was sharpened within the fast-paced halls of Credit Suisse. This early chapter of his career was defined by a relentless pursuit of excellence and an enthusiasm for embarking on seemingly impossible tasks with a steady hand and innovative mind.

Amid financial strategizing and market analysis, he found mentors who recognized his potential and fostered his burgeoning entrepreneurial spirit. This belief in his abilities inspired him to carve out a path where calculated risks became stepping stones to more significant achievements. His educational pursuits at New York University, crowned with a cum laude honor in Philosophy, armed him with the critical thinking skills essential for the ventures that lay ahead.

The founding of The Kind Group LLC was the first milestone in his entrepreneurship journey, setting the groundwork for his magnum opus: eos Products LLC. Under his stewardship, eos transcended conventional beauty industry norms, offering groundbreaking products that resonated with a global audience.

Away from the corporate world, he engages with initiatives that speak to his philanthropic soul, contributing to educational and artistic communities, believing these areas are vital to societal growth and enrichment.

The bustling metropolis of New York City is the backdrop to his family life, where he cherishes the moments spent with loved ones and pets. Here, he also indulges in activities that reflect his commitment to personal betterment, like running and flying, disciplines that mirror the strategic and focused approach he applies to business.